I love Saturdays. My kids call it "the day off". I may be guilty of wishing my life away by counting down each week until Saturday, but at this time I just can't feel guilty about it. They are just too perfect.
Take today for example. We slept late, made breakfast, stayed in our pjs until nearly lunch, and then ran to town for lunch and a few errands. When we got home we had the whole afternoon to do exactly as we pleased.

Luke spent a few minutes reading his current AR book. To be honest, this was an enforced reading period. He's not that dedicated. These pics were taken while a timer in the kitchen was counting down the minutes until he could play the Wii again. Hey, we do what we gotta do. He's a typical boy. :-)

He and I have a strange affinity for being curled into a near fetal position. This is comfort at it's best!

Oooh! Harry Potter must be in a fix. Check out the furrowed brow.

In the past week Mia has declared herself a "big girl" and has begun to voluntarily perform tasks that no normal child enjoys. Believe it or not she asked if she could unload the dryer and fold the laundry.

Pause for a supermodel shot.

One of our errands today was a stop a Barnes and Noble. Mia's quite excited about her purchase. We love our Ramona! Oh, and can anyone notice what is missing in Mia's smile? Can't believe she's old enough to have lost a tooth!

And where do the kids find Mom? Curled up in her favorite spot doing her favorite thing. Mia's proving to be pretty handy with the camera as well. I think she only took about 20 shots before she finally got my head in the picture and from the looks of it I was in the middle of giving instructions when she snapped it. :-)
Saturdays...if you only came more often!
love the pictures : ) a perfect b&n saturday, I am jealous!! love u guys!